jobs for Design examinar of 459 posts in various branches

                21 to 35 will Get youth chance 
                Government of India Ministry of Commerce and industry joint venture examinar and controller design of 459 posts in various branches for release. These positions will be selected based on the written exam.
                   These positions to apply candidates age limit should be a maximum of 21 scheduled 35 years. Age calculation, according to 2015, giving the rules of reserve class.
                     Mandatory educational qualifications according to the respective advertised positions under candidate branch graduate or masters degree holder. Advertised positions for pay scale RS 39100 and grade pay 5400 from 15,600 have been determined. August 24th, interested candidates can apply on above posts by 2015.
               Online applications will be accepted 
                 online applications on these posts. After starting the application the candidate seeking application fee net banking or debit/credit card. Avedan fees in General and OBC categories male candidates is set to 200 bucks. Reserved category candidates and female applicants for any application fee.
                 Candidates are advised that the application to save time in the right format to upload photo & signature & avedan complete application form after copy of your future safer for practice. Online application and the application for other information log on to the official website of HSSC.
Keywords; designer,examiners,jobs


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