Border security force has issued the notification for recruitment to 136 various posts

                Directorate General border security force has invites applications for recruitment to 134 various posts. 
               Eligible candidates for the post and advertising publication date within 30 days can apply through prescribed format.
                Important dates 
• Advertising publication date: July 4, 2015
 The total number of posts details of posts: 136 posts
 • Assistant sub-inspector (steno): 25 post
Head Constable (Clerk): 111 post pay scale
 • Assistant sub-inspector (steno): RS. 5200-20200 + RS 2800
 • Head Constable (ministerial): RS. 5200-20200 + Rs 2400 qualification criteria
 • Educational qualifications: candidate a recognized Board or University XII or senior secondary school certificate examination passed.
Age range: 18-25-year
                  selection process conducted in two stages of examination candidates based on performance will be selected.
                 The written exam and physical measurements, shorthand speed test, typing speed test, documentation and medical exams.
               How to apply
                 Interested and qualified candidates can send applications through prescribed format. More details can be found on the official website.


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