Now no need to interview for jobs

            Longer hours do not need to get a job interview. If needed, just a simple test to pass and your steady job. Snapdeal, hail cabs, Quicker and Dbluens giants like 'Speed ​​Hiring "by giving people jobs.
              Hiring in the industrial sector under the speed in just 12 minutes through a test candidate is judged on the same basis, it is decided to give the job or not.
             E-commerce-related companies are using the highest speed of Hiring. GlobalHunt Managing Director Sunil Goel says that the new startup and a new era in the life of the industry is running at speed and positioning of the business changes every fortnight.
Test Frequently Asked Questions
             Such companies do not spend too much time on hiring employees for the company to improve its medium-speed Hiring is like. Kokyubs Technologies' Cognitive Ability Test (CAST) has developed.
              The candidates are tested through and placed them on the job. 'Cast' name 50 objective type questions are asked in the test.
              The grammar of English, ratios and percentages are taking the question. In addition the candidate's general knowledge and some questions are asked to measure efficiency.
The new way to save time
                 This means that a steady job is to pass the test. Snapdeal, hail cabs and less time on the recruitment of staff by other companies to focus more on their business plans.
                   The cast is Hiring Speed ​​Test through and through it day by day is becoming the biggest hiring.


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